Friday, January 31, 2020

My Entrepreneurship Story

My Entrepreneurship Story

When I was a freshman in high school, I chose a Journalism class to be on my schedule. I didn’t know that meant I was going to be on my school’s newspaper staff, but that’s what it was. It was the first year that the newspaper at my school had been printed in a decade, so they were starting very fresh. To my surprise, I was chosen to be the Editor-in-Chief. This meant I had to oversee all of the columns, edit every story, figure out the logistics with printing the physical paper, and find sponsors to buy ads to go in our paper. It was difficult considering I was 14 and this is not what I had asked for, but somehow I really enjoyed it. I would make sure that everyone was assigned a story and that the ideas for them were appropriate and that they were actually good ideas. I would spend hours editing every story for grammar and removing irrelevant bits, turning it into a news-style story. I would work with my teacher on the printing website, figuring out the layout of our paper. I would call up companies and ask around to see if anyone knew any business owners so that I could meet the quota for ads for our newspaper, so that we could actually fund it. I really enjoyed my time on the newspaper staff, and it definitely inspired me to do more projects in the future that I wouldn’t normally do. The photo I attached is from when our local newspaper wrote a story on our school newspaper.

I enrolled in ENT3003 because I am working towards a minor in entrepreneurship. I think that entrepreneurial skills are important for pretty much anyone to know. I am a music performance major, which I’m basically going to be self-employed at some point, so I decided on this minor. Overall, I hope to gain important skills in this class that will help me in my future.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kimberly,

    I fully agree with your reasoning of enrolling in ENT3003. Entrepreneurial skills are one of the basic building blocks of a business. In order to do well in the business field, you should understand what goes on in a business in order to communicate and operate well with them. I find it really cool how you started out in high school, as you got a head start with funding it and seeing the business behind it! Don't lose your passion over these skills, and I feel like you will do very well!
