Friday, April 3, 2020

22A – Elevator Pitch No. 3


2. The feedback I got on my last post is that I did a much better job with hand gestures and being dynamic. Both of these things are important in getting the audiences attention. I also think both of these things make you seem less like you're just trying to get people's money, and more like you're trying to make a connection with them.

3. I tried including being dynamic with hand gestures again because it is clearly an important part of getting the audience's attention and seeming more natural while talking, so that I don't just look like I'm reciting or reading something. I also tried memorizing my pitch a little bit more, again so that I won't sound like I am just reading off a piece of paper. I think the more natural the pitch sounds, the more likely potential customers will find it more personable and want to try your product or service.


  1. Hi Kimberly,

    I liked how you started off the elevator pitch with your own experiences. I think that it added a source of creditability to your pitch. I also think that the questions you propose in the video really engage the audience and makes them think. Overall, it looks like you took your feedback really well and I could see the more dynamic body language. I think your idea is really great and overall a great pitch!

  2. Your pitch differed from mine in the beginning, because I started with a fact, while you started with a personal anecdote. I think both are effective in different ways. Adding in the questions into your pitch is unique, as I didn't do that in mine and now think that I should have. Your pitch sounded more comfortable this time and not as scripted which is very important, and you did a good job of improving on that from the last two pitches.

  3. Hi!
    I absolutely love how you include personal experiences in your pitch! I saw that you said you worked on your hand gestures, and I really think you succeeded. Your tone of voice is perfect for addressing your audience, and really makes the audience interested. I can definitely tell what points you have memorized, which makes it way more real and convincing! Overall, I think you have a great product and a great pitch!

  4. Hey Kimberly,

    I just finished watching all 3 of your elevator pitches in a row, good news-- Theres noticeable improvement among all three! The biggest difference was your tone, i think you definitely sound more confident in your pitch, and your body motion reflects that too. Your narrative was similar to the first two pitches, but the way it was conveyed made it so much stronger! I was, as a consumer, interested to learn more. It really sounds like you know what you're talking about, keep up the good work!
