Friday, April 17, 2020

28A – Your Exit Strategy

1. I would probably sell my business eventually. I would try to build it up as much as possible so it's more valuable and then sell it.

2. I have selected this exit strategy because, honestly, it's the easiest one. It's easier to do than build up the business for the rest of my life, constantly having to put time, energy, and ideas into it. After selling it, I could put my money into another business I care more about or am passionate about, or just use the money to live off of for the rest of my life if I made enough from selling it.

3. I don't think my exit strategy has influenced my decision-making thus far, because I have never thought about my exit strategy before now. However, if this were a real business and I was making decisions in real time, I would be trying to make the business as attractive and valuable so it would be easier to sell when the time came. I might not make any decisions that force me to stay with the business long-term. I would want the business to grow as fast and as much as possible so I could sell it for as much money as possible.

1 comment:

  1. You chose the opposite strategy to the first blog post that I read, which is interesting because I was in the middle. I chose no strategy, and just to cross the bridge when I get to it. The thought of making a lot of money is appealing to sell it, but another girl said that she would want to build it up and maybe pass it on to her children. So there are opposing views that both have good and bad to them, so that is why I didn't choose a strategy just yet.
