Thursday, April 23, 2020

30A – Final Reflection

1. One of my lows of this class was having to record my elevator pitch a million times because I kept messing up. I kind of enjoyed doing the bug list because it showed me how many opportunities there are to create ideas to solve problems. I also thought creating a customer avatar was pretty fun because it brought my potential customer to life. I also missed a cupcake or two because I always left them for last, and then I'd forget to do them because my Mondays are so busy. I fixed that problem, though.

2. I think the most formative experience was coming up with a business idea in general. You can learn about entrepreneurship all you want, but until you apply the knowledge, it doesn't really stick. We were asked to dive so deep into all aspects of our business ideas and were asked questions we wouldn't have even thought about. I'm most proud of myself for completing all of the actual assignment posts for this course, because with how many there are I thought at the beginning that I might end up missing one or two.

3. I definitely think that now I have much more or an entrepreneurial mindset. I like the concepts of opportunity belief and exploiting those beliefs because it makes so much sense. You can't really start a business if you don't have the belief that there is an opportunity. As I mentioned before, we were asked to dive so deep into our ideas, and we thought about aspects of our businesses that we wouldn't have otherwise thought of before this class. We might have completely missed these details of our businesses had we not taken this class.

4. The main thing I recommend for this course is time management. Some assignments are easier than others, and it's better to look at the assignments ahead of time to be able to have enough time to finish them. I also think creativity is really important in this course. There are many assignments, if not all of them, that require a great deal of creativity to complete. I also think after taking this course that in general, entrepreneurs must have creative minds.

The Creative Mindset: 100+ Creativity Quotes From Entrepreneurs ...


  1. Hi! I have to say, my Final Reflection was very similar to yours. I also struggled with very similar things, but I also agree that this business venture is something to be proud of. I think the things you recommended to the future students taking this class is great! Being creative is definitely something is vital to this class and to being an entrepreneur! Good job!

  2. Hi Kimberly!

    I think your reflection sums up the class quite well. I think that our low points are things we are not used to, such as the elevator pitches. The good thing is we can grow from the uncomfortable situations and better ourselves from it. Creating the business ideas ourselves was definitely very formative, as we got to go through the process like an entrepreneur. You should be proud for not missing any assignments, with a busy schedule it is easy to let that happen. I completely agree that time management is the way to succeed in this class.

  3. I also liked the bug list, and didn't like the elevator pitches, which I'm sure is a popular opinion. Time management is such an important skill in college, and this course also showed me that. I felt that having a written schedule was even more beneficial for this class though. Great job!
