Friday, April 10, 2020


1. Connection with a fellow business owner that owns a business similar to my idea

- It is valuable because he can teach me many things about starting a business.

- I think it's somewhat rare because not everyone has a connection with someone who has a business that is so similar to their idea.

- I don't think it's hard to copy because you can simply contact the owner of a business similar to your idea.

- I don't think any other resources could provide the same benefits.

2. Connection with an app developer

- It is valuable because he could help design and develop my app if I actually decided to create it.

- It's not rare because you can find them very easily.

- It's not hard to copy because you can do a quick google search to find them.

- I could make a connection with a different app developer and this could provide the same benefits.

3. Experience with the problem I am trying to solve by creating this business

- It's valuable because it can help me develop my business to be as helpful as possible. Because I have experienced this need, I can cater to it better.

- It might be somewhat rare because not everyone has experienced the need that they are trying to satisfy.

- It would be hard to copy because it's not an experience that you can recreate on purpose.

- I don't think anything else could provide the same benefits. Maybe knowing someone who has experienced this might help, but it still wouldn't be the same.

4. This class is a resource because it is teaching me things that could help in beginning this business.

- It's valuable because it's teaching me things that I could apply in starting a business.

- It's not very rare because many people take this class.

- It's not hard to copy because many people are able to take this class.

- I think similar classes could provide similar knowledge/benefits.

5. Contact with someone who works for the City of Gainesville and deals with parking

- It's valuable because they can recommend to people who buy decals to also download my app.

- It might be rare because not many people have the connection with someone who can refer your product or service to their customers.

- It's not hard to copy because anyone could call and speak with this person.

- I don't think many other connections could provide this same benefit.

6. I know several people who struggle with parking who would download and recommend my app to other people

- It's valuable because they would become my customers and also refer my service to their friends to get it circulating more.

- It's probably not rare because most business-owners have friends who experience the need they're trying to solve.

- It's not hard to copy because many people have this resource anyway, but it would be hard to get if you didn't already have it. You'd have to get connected with people who experience the need you are trying to satisfy.

- This is similar to #5 because they can both provide more customers by referring people to my business.

7. I have money saved up

- It's valuable because it can help pay for the things necessary to start my business.

- It's not rare because most people starting a business have saved up for it.

- It's not hard to copy because many people can save money, it just takes time.

- No other resources can provide this same benefit other than getting investors and loans. The only alternative would be to get things for free, which wouldn't happen.

8. In an area where my business idea would work very well

- It's valuable because parking in Gainesville is difficult, and my app would help with that. Because parking it so bad here, more people would be likely to download my app.

- It's not rare because many people live in an area where the need is very prevalent.

- It might be hard to copy because if you don't live in an area where your need is prevalent, you'd have to move in order to change this.

- No other resources could provide this benefit other than visiting the area.

9. Family to invest in my business

- It's valuable because it would provide money to pay for things I need to start my business.

- It's probably not rare because many other people have this resource too.

- It's not hard to copy because if they are willing, all you would have to do is ask.

- Money in savings could provide this same benefit.

10. Connections with people who could help me with my business/be my business partners.

- It's valuable because they can contribute their own resources and money to the business.

- It's might be rare because many people might not have friends willing to take the risk of starting a business with someone.

- It's not hard to copy because you can ask many people in your life if they are willing to join you.

- The only other things that could provide the same financial benefits are my savings, loans, and investors.

I think my top resource is number 10. Having someone be a parter in my business would be the most beneficial. They bring their own multiple resources to the table. They wouldn't just help my business in one area, they would help in many. They would be contributing money to help fund the business. They would be contributing ideas to help better the business. They could have connections with people that could help get our business out there. We could also both contribute our time to it, so it doesn't have to be one person doing all the work.


  1. I also stated that money saved up is good financial capital to begin. I agree that Gainesville is a great area for your app idea because parking there is a serious problem, so there would actually be a demand for an app like this, unlike in other locations. I find it interesting that your most valuable resource to you in number 10. I agree that it is important and valuable because at a university you have so many resources and people will different assets, but I think solely the location is extremely important for your idea to work.

  2. Hi Kimberly,

    I also thought that my top resource is number 10 because the connections that we make are essential to our plans. We are able to develop more if we have connections with people, as it is hard for one person to develop all of it themselves. By having all these connections, we are able to further develop ourselves and allow our workload to be easier rather than stressing over it. I agree with many of your resources!

  3. Hello Kimberly,
    I really like your resources. I think that they are all things that would be a necessity for your business. I especially liked your number 10 and number 5. I think that those two are the most important and crucial in the success of your business. Having people at the City of Gainesville promoting and suggesting your app to residents is a great way to share your business. Having a partner in a business is really great too because it will provide another perspective and more ideas for your business. Great job!
