Friday, February 14, 2020

10A – Elevator Pitch No. 1


  1. Your elevator pitch had great, valid information and I think that anybody who has recently gone to a public school could agree. The personal anecdote that you began with was the best way to start your pitch, because that tells the listener why you are pursuing this opportunity. Most elevator pitches are dynamic with walking around the room, which is something that I and many others could work on.

  2. Hi Kimberly,

    Your business pitch was really interesting, and I feel as the majority of kids go to public school you have a wide horizon of customers. I personally connect to your idea as I have encountered the same struggles. I think this idea could be really beneficial for future generations. Making the story personal will really draw in your audiences attention on an emotional level and want them to partake in your business!

  3. Hi! Your elevator pitch is so awesome! I think part of the reason is because it's really relatable to most of your audience. I like how you tell a personal story about the teachers you've had and then immediately offer the solution you've found. I think you used the perfect amount of time to fit everything you needed to in order to win your audience over.

  4. Hi Kimberly,
    I really like this concept! I have dealt with the same issues in school, unfortunately, some teachers just don't care and just want to get paid. You were really good at talking slowly in order to get your message across clearly. The only criticism I have is I think you should go more into detail of why this is such a big issue. Maybe give some facts about students in under-performing schools versus schools with dedicated teachers, etc. I think that will make someone see the need for a program like this. Overall, you did a wonderful job!
