Friday, February 21, 2020

12A – Figuring Out Buyer Behavior No. 1

1. I chose to interview people who currently attend a public high school.

2. Interviews
Interview #1: I first interviewed my cousin, who is currently a junior in high school. When I discussed my belief that the need for better quality teachers existed, he agreed right away.
- He says he experiences this need almost daily because he feels as if his teachers couldn't care less about his education. He told me a story about a time where one of his teachers was literally so fed up with a class she said the words, "I don't get paid enough to do this job." He constantly wishes his teachers did better at teaching.
- When asked what he does to solve this need, he drew a blank. He said he honestly just deals with it and just tries his hardest in the class anyway, but this method doesn't always work.

Interview #2: I interviewed one of my friends who is still a high school senior, and she goes to the same high school I went to.
- She says that she experiences this need on a daily basis because of "how bad the teachers are" at the school she goes to. She says she has had several classes in which almost no one passed a test or assignment because the information was either not covered or was not portrayed in a way that the majority of the students could comprehend.
- When asked what she does to solve this need, she gave a very similar response to my cousin's. She said that she just ends up having to learn the material by herself through other resources, even though this method does not always end up working and providing a quality education for her.

Interview #3: My last interview was with my friend's sister who is a freshman in high school.
- She says that she experiences this need all the time. Because she had just gotten done with being in middle school the year before, she had such high expectations for high school education and high school teachers. She ended up being disappointed because her expectations were not met at all. She says that the quality of education and teachers should be high, because high school is preparation for college.
- When asked what she does to solve this need, she said she likes to ask questions. She says that when she doesn't understand something, she will work with her teachers to understand it better. She says that the reason this doesn't always work is because no matter how many times she asks questions about the material, a lot of teachers only provide one way of explaining the topic, not catering to her way of learning. She also said it's impossible to ask a detailed question about something you don't even know existed because it had never been even introduced in class.

I learned a lot from my interviews. The story my cousin told in my first interview really shocked me. The fact that a teacher felt that unmotivated and cared so little about her students' education is sad. These interviews only prove to me more that this need is a really important need, because so many people have it. Also, the solutions that the people I interviewed came up with by themselves are not sustainable and most don't work a majority of the time.

The need for a solution to this problem is high because so many people have this need. So many people experience bad teachers, and many agree with me that something needs to be done to improve this. People who are a part of this segment experience this need on a daily basis according to my interviews, which tells me that this problem is in need of an urgent solution. I think that many people who value education would agree that something needs to be done about this.

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