Friday, February 7, 2020

8A – Solving The Problem

My opportunity:
Many schools have low quality employees due to lack of incentives and lack of proper training and supervision. While this can stem from not having enough funding, it can also stem from simply putting funds in the wrong places, or places that might not need it as much. 
My solution:
My idea for a solution to the problem I mentioned above is a program that could be implemented into schools. This could be managed online. The program would include effective training for new teachers before classes begin. It would also include a probationary period for however long the school chooses. This means that there would be a supervisor overseeing all of the new hire's work for their probationary period. The program would also include supervisors checking over all regular employees' work a bit more briefly. The program would include wage bonuses and penalties. Basically, the teachers' salary depends in part on their performance. Employees would be able to check their performance online and receive feedback on how to improve in order to reduce a penalty or increase a bonus. I think that if schools redistributed their funding in order to pay for a program like this, teachers would have more of an incentive to do better work. They would also do better work because they would be watched a bit more closely and be provided feedback on how to improve their work. 


  1. This is a good idea for a solution, but it would have to be implemented through the government. This is a large boundary that you would have to face. The idea of it being online is smart, because there would be less funding needed, but also most schooling things are being put online now in this age. There would still have to be enough human interaction and managing to make this truly effective though, I think.

  2. Hi Kimberly,
    This is an amazing idea. I know a lot of parents would love to see the schools their children go to turn around and provide their children with the education that they need to succeed in life. I also know that a lot of teachers, especially the older ones, are fed up with the way the school system treats them and the children's education. Creating a program that counteracts this will give some initiative to the teachers and encourage them to teach the kids in the best and most effective way possible. I know some teachers that have just started teaching after graduating from school. I know they do their best but it can be hard for them to get control over their classrooms because they are so new and young. Creating a training program would help them be confident in their abilities, allowing the kids to learn more.
