Friday, February 21, 2020

11A Idea Napkin No. 1

1. I'm studying music, and I'd love to teach music one day. Even though I'm studying something some might consider "non-academic," I truly value my education and think that others should, too. I was always the friend in high school checking up on my friends to make sure that they were staying on top of their grades, so I try to influence others to value their education. My strong belief that education is so important is what motivates my business idea, because the quality of education is also very important. Quality of education begins with teachers. I think that my business concept could have impacted my life greatly back when I was in high school. I might have had a better educational experience overall if this idea had been in place in my school.

2. My business idea is a program that could be implemented into schools. This program could be managed online. The program would include effective training for new teachers before classes begin. It would also include a probationary period for however long the school chooses. This means that there would be a supervisor overseeing all of the new hire's work for their probationary period. The program would also include supervisors checking over all regular employees' work. The program would include wage bonuses and penalties. Basically, the teachers' salary depends in part on their performance. Employees would be able to check their performance online and receive feedback on how to improve in order to reduce a penalty or increase a bonus. They would also do better work because they would be watched a bit more closely and be provided feedback on how to improve their work.

3. My customers would be school districts and possibly private schools that feel they need more help with strengthening the quality of the education at the schools.

4. I think that people would use my service because education is important to so many people in our country. I feel that there are always new ideas implemented into curriculum to help students receive better education, but I also feel that the best way to do this is to begin with having better teachers.

5. Like I mentioned above, there is a constant inflow of new curriculum to help students achieve more success at school, but they never seem to work all that well. This is because they are focusing on the material rather than the actual person communicating this material. My idea is set apart from this because it would be focusing in on the teachers.

I think that all of these elements fit together very well. I value education and I want others to, as well. The best way to do this in my opinion is to make sure that the quality of education is up to par. One part of my business idea that may be weaker is that it would be difficult to transition it into schools, because people won't be used to it. Also it may require many changes to be made to be implemented, because my program is so specific. It needs to be approved and accepted into schools, which may require having to go through many people to get it approved to be implemented into schools.


  1. Hi Kimberly,

    Wow! I am very impress that you are pursuing something that you love because some people do not. I love the idea of having an online program; however, I feel like it would be hard to hire teachers if they feel like they are too restricted of what they can do. Penalties can be a huge influence to teachers who might feel like it is not worth to give it a try! Nevertheless, I feel that your idea is really connected and I cannot wait to see more of this educational program!

  2. Hi Kimberly,
    I really like this business idea because I think it could help a lot of student succeed in school where they otherwise would not. I know a lot of kids get discouraged when they don't have good teachers so I think it is important for this kind of program to exist. It's really great that this business concept is so close to your heart and interests. Great job!

  3. Hi! I think it's really great that this is a topic you're so passionate about, considering that one day you want to teach music. I'm 100% positive that your future students will be very lucky to have a teacher who cares so much about their education and wellbeing. Personally, I haven't had the greatest teachers and I really do feel that it has hindered my learning ability. This is a great concept!
