Wednesday, February 26, 2020

14A - Halfway Reflection

1. I have personally kept up with this course by looking ahead at my assignments. At first, I would start looking at them and even starting them a day before they were due, but now I know that that is not always enough. It's also good to know at least a week in advance if a larger assignment is due, like the reading reflection due this Friday. If I hadn't known that I would need to read an entire book until the night before it was due, I'd be pretty stressed. Because I already looked at this assignment last week, I was able to begin reading the book I chose. In this class I have also developed my way of thinking as a result of some of the assignments. Some of the guidelines are so specific that they require you to think differently than you might normally think to complete them.

2. This past fall semester I took the hardest class I've probably ever taken in my life, and I ended up not doing too well in it despite the relentless effort I had put into it. This made me so upset and I almost gave up the minor I was taking the class for. I think what pulled me through is my motivation to succeed. I couldn't just accept the fact that I didn't receive credit for the class towards my minor, and so I decided to retake the class during a later semester and try to do better in it. I'm not sure how much of a tenacious attitude I have developed during these past two months, as I feel like I have always had a tenacious attitude. I have always been very motivated by my goals to complete tasks.

3. Tip #1: Find motivation for doing your work. I think "This assignment is contributing to my grade, which is contributing to the completion of my class, which is contributing to my degree, etc." This is the number one thing in my opinion to develop a tenacious attitude, because if you are motivated you won't want to give up.
Tip #2: Plan out you study/homework time. I have personally found that if I plan out time to do my homework, I get more of it done than if I hadn't planned time for it.
Tip #3: Set clear goals, so that you can work to achieve them. I find that when I set smaller goals that will work to achieve bigger goals, I can achieve them more easily.


  1. I have also kept up with my assignments, except for one time. That is key to success in this class, because it is about finishing every assignment on time. I also have found motivation in struggling last semester, even though I did ok, but this semester is going even better, which has kept me motivated to finish all of my assignments for this class. There is definitely need for motivation in this class, because there needs to be a reason for doing all of this work. I also planned out time for these assignments and put them on my calendar. Unlike you, I didn't necessarily set goals for this class, I just wrote down when and how to get it done.

  2. Hi Kimberly! I really like the quote in the photo you posted. I think your tips are very helpful and can be applied to any class. I think upcoming students should take help and learn from kids who already took the class since they have experience. I feel that looking ahead is a major key characteristic for success. You do not want to be stuck with many assignments due at 12:00 pm the day of! I think the harder classes we take allows us to reflect on what works and what doesn't work for us as students.

  3. Hi Kimberly,

    I agree to have a tenacious attitude with all the classes that you are taking. It will make life so much easier once you create the goals that you have to complete in your time and that you do it. I need to split more of my social and professional life so that way I can focus on my education and not lean towards goofing around and such. This class is a great learning experience for who I am as a person, and I cannot wait to see what type of person I become at the end.

  4. Your tips are perfect. I struggle with staying motivated too, so i think having the assignments weight on canvas really helps me realize the consequences of not doing an assignment. This class for me has been more technical than i thought it would've been, but much more hands on. A lot of what I feel like i've learned hasn't been definitions and history, but more so philosophical-- developing a mindset. Your second tip was my favorite, I use apple calendars to plan every minute of my day-- everything from walking, sleeping, and relaxing i have planned out, it really helps me stay organized and consistent.
