Friday, March 13, 2020

15A – Figuring Out Buyer Behavior No. 2


My friend who is a junior in high school:
3. He says that when he is faced with the issue of not having good enough teachers or feeling he is not getting the best education he could possibly get, he asks his teachers for help. This has worked the best for him in the past. He doesn't want to have to pay to hire a tutor to teach him what his teachers can't, so money is an important factor for him.

4. Because my idea is a program for schools and not really as much a product, the school district and the county will be the one paying for the program. This is where either funding would need to be cut from other areas of the school to be able to pay for the program, or more money would have to be given to the school. He says that this alteration in funding would be worth it for a program like this.

5. He says that what would make him know that the school implementing this program is a good idea is seeing actual change within his school. If there was no change in the teachers and the incentives aren't worth it to them to actually do better, this program wouldn't be worth it. He agrees, though, that it would be worth it to give the program a shot.

A sophomore in high school:
3. She says that when she is faced with the issue of not being taught enough or in a way she can understand, her mother hires a tutor. This is because the quality of her education is the most important thing to her and money isn't as important in this decision. Using a tutor has worked well for her in the past.

4. Again the school district will be paying for the program. She agrees that funding would have to be either moved from one area, or that more funding would have to come to the school. She says that this might be worth it for a program like this if it worked.

5. Because she already uses a tutor, she doesn't know if this program would be worth it to her. She does say, however, that it might help with other students if the program worked. She says that even if this program was implemented and it worked, she would still probably use a tutor just because she knows she has successful results with one.

A senior in high school:
3. She says that when she is faced with the issue of not having good enough teachers or feeling he is not getting the best education possible, she likes to research and learn the material on her own. She knows that she could ask the teacher for help, but she much more prefers a more independent way of learning. Style is the most important thing to her in this situation, because this has worked for her in the past.

4. She also agrees that funding would have to be either moved from one area, or that more funding would have to come to the school. She also brought up the idea that students could do fundraisers.

5. She says that she thinks this program would do good things in schools, so she thinks that it would be worth it. However, she does think there is a possibility that it might not work for some, and in that case it would be a waste of money when the money could be spent somewhere else. She says, though, it would definitely be worth it to try it out.


6. In my interviews, each person had different priorities when it comes to solving this issue. The first interviewee said that his priority was money, the second said that her priority was quality, and the third said her priority was style. They all also had different methods of dealing with this issue. Overall, they all agreed that if the program worked, it would be worth it, but if it didn't, it would be a waste. The first and last interviewees both said it would be worth it to give the program a try.

7. I would say that many people in this segment have different priorities when it comes to this issue. However, I think all of the priorities mentioned above would be addressed through the program. Everyone agreed on how the program would be paid for, and they all said it would be worth these changes. Based on all of this, I think this program would be beneficial to all of the people I interviewed, and I think that they would all like to see this program be implemented.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Kimberly,

    I think you had a great approach to this assignment, your interviews (at least in my opinion) embody all the most important factors when identifying buyer behavior. Price, quantity, and execution (you called this last one style). I think all of these are important factors, but you can't make every customer happy. Likely, you'll have to create a compromise between cost, quality, and execution, so I think your next step is to do some surveying and decide which of these factors is the most important. Hope this helped!
