Thursday, March 19, 2020

18A – Create a Customer Avatar

**With permission from professor I have changed my opportunity belief/idea:
My new opportunity is that finding free/lifted parking is difficult.
The solution would be an app that users could update themselves to display places that you can park on a map and how expensive it would be to park there.

My prototypical customer is a father in his 40s who enjoys college football. He likes to travel to Gainesville with his family (wife and two sons) in his white Chevy truck on the weekends, an hour or two away from his house, to watch Gator football. When he's not working at his office job, he loves to watch sports, any sports, on TV and yell at the players through the television. He wants his sons (aged 10 and 13) to have this passion, too, and they do. They love to watch sports with their dad. Even the father's wife has gotten into sports. No one loves them as much as him, though. When he travels to Gainesville on gameday, he'll need to find a place to park before the game. Parking on gameday in Gainesville is absolutely chaotic, so my app would help him find cheaper/free parking, so he doesn't have to waste his money on overpriced parking.

One of the only things I have in common with this football-loving dad is that I enjoy watching Gator football, too. I would probably use my app for the same reasons he would. I don't necessarily think this is a coincidence because there are a lot of people around here that enjoy it. My app isn't just for sports lovers, it's for many different types of people. 


  1. Hi Kimberly,

    I really like your new idea! I think it is perfect for a busy game day. Many people struggle with parking on a day to day business at a college campus, and game days can be a disaster. This opportunity will alleviate stress and overall make their time at UF a better experience. The description of the avatar is right on point. The amount of families that come out in their big trucks to tailgate is insane. With this parking app, maybe it could alleviate the amount of cars on the grass as well and reduce the amount of security we would need to have for parking. Overall, I really enjoyed your story of your avatar and think it could be beneficial and used at many other schools as well!

  2. This is a great idea, and the way you described your customer was very in depth. That's the prototypical customer I would think of as well, but I would also include students trying to park on campus during the week. I have faced that problem many times and would definitely use this app. Our customers are quite the opposite, as I don't know if your customer would be passionate about environmentalism and composting.

  3. Hi!
    I really like your new idea. I think it is a great concept and definitely something that I could see being useful in everyday life on campus. I absolutely love your prototypical customer! I think it was spot on, super realistic. There are so many families that come out to support gator sports and a parking app would be such a relief from all the game day hassle.

  4. Hi Kimberly,

    Personally, I do not drive but I can see how this would be really beneficial to those that are struggling to find parking. They would want to see how expensive a parking spot is in relative to the event that they are going to. I think your avatar is really on point with the whole concept because many people struggle attending high attendance events such as football games and concerts. By having an application like this, they would be able to find their spots, and not have to panic. It is funny how much we both have in common with our own avatar! I cannot wait to see more ideas!
