Friday, March 20, 2020

17A – Elevator Pitch No. 2


2.) One of the things that a person said when giving me feedback on my last elevator pitch was that it was good that I related the issue back to my personal experience. Another thing that they said is I should try to be more dynamic with my hand movements and should include moving around the space a little bit more. Another point I was given is that it was good that I was speaking clearly to get my point across.

3.) I still related the issue back to my personal experience and tried to make it even more personal by connecting and relating the audience to me and my family. In this pitch, I tried to be more dynamic with my hand movements and tried harder to move around the space a bit more. I continued to speak slowly enough and clearly enough that my message could be understood.


  1. Your idea is great even though Dr. Pryor suggested not doing an app. However, this would be a very helpful thing when traveling on campus. Your hand gestures were more dynamic and you spoke clearly, so I think you took the suggestions well. Connecting it to your family is important, and mentioning personal student parking is helpful because we all know it's an issue.

  2. Hi!
    I really think your idea is amazing and super realistic. It would definitely help a lot during sports seasons. I really love how you began your pitch by relating it to yourself and personal experiences you have had. That really makes a connection with your audience. You were definitely more dynamic in your pitch!
