Thursday, March 12, 2020

16A –What’s Your Secret Sauce?

1. Describe five ways in which you think you have human capital that is truly unique.

- I think that as a person I stand up for myself so much. This can be a good thing and a bad thing. I don't let people walk all over me, but I also probably confront situations that could've been left alone. I am still proud of this trait because I will never accept someone talking down to me or putting me down.

- Another thing that I think is unique about me is that I take responsibility for my actions and words. When I realize I'm wrong, I admit it right away. When I make a mistake, I do whatever I can to fix it. I feel like I am always the first to admit my faults.

- I think that I am also a very understanding person. I am very accepting of people of all kinds, and I would never look down on or turn away someone just because they're different. I think that I can also put myself in peoples' shoes and try to understand where they were coming from in all kinds of situations.

- I am also someone who is brutally honest, which again, can be a good thing and a bad thing. Sometimes I tell people the things they want to hear, but I don't think I ever go too far. I'm always honest with how I'm feeling in friendships and relationship and I always make my feelings known.

- The last thing I'll mention is that I'm very passionate about my interests. I'm a musician and I'm studying music here at UF and I am able to put my all into it because of how much I love it. My passion for it drives me and motivates me to do the best I can in it and become as successful as I can.

2. Interviews

- My mom:

My mom says that I take responsibility for my actions. She also says that I'm strong and don't dwell on things.

- My best friend and roommate:

My friend Kate thinks that I am good at balancing things in my life. She says that I have a good work ethic and don't let anything interfere with my responsibilities.

- My friend and roommate:

Shannon says that she sees my passion in what I do. She also says that I adapt well to situations.

- My close friend from high school:

Cheyanne says that I always try to make myself better and that I don't accept anything less than the best. She says that I stand up for what I believe in.

- Another close friend from high school:

Trinity says that I'm hardworking and determined. She says that I always find a way to make things work.

3. I think that I see myself in a similar way to how others see me. A lot of the things I said before I conducted the interviews were the same things that the people in my interviews said about me. I honestly don't think there are really any differences in how I assessed myself compared to how others assessed me. A lot of them brought up traits about myself that I wouldn't have thought of off the top of my head, like when Shannon said I adapt well. I think that what caused the fact that people brought up things I wouldn't have thought of is that other see things that I never really noticed. I didn't notice that I adapted well, but I guess because Shannon is different from me and would've handled the situation I was in differently, she takes extra notice in how I handled it. I do think that the people I interviewed are correct about me, because like I said, we said a lot of the same things. Going back to my list from part 1, I don't think I'd change it. I don't think I'd change it because the people I interviewed confirmed basically everything I said about myself.


  1. We have some similarities and differences in what people said about us. I also had people tell me that I always do my best, that I'm hard working and determined, and that I am passionate about what I do. My mom also said that I take responsibility for my actions. Something different is that you don't dwell on things, where I can unfortunately. Someone also said you are good at balancing things in your life, which I feel that I am ok at but definitely could work on it, as sometimes my priorities might not be what they should.

  2. We have some similarities and differences in what people said about us. I also had people tell me that I always do my best, that I'm hard working and determined, and that I am passionate about what I do. My mom also said that I take responsibility for my actions. Something different is that you don't dwell on things, where I can unfortunately. Someone also said you are good at balancing things in your life, which I feel that I am ok at but definitely could work on it, as sometimes my priorities might not be what they should.

  3. Hi Kimberly,

    I agree and think it is interesting to see the way that others portray us. In my interviews I also saw that my friends came up with different things on my list, but were also true about me.I also interviewed my mom and I think she got the most spot on description of me most likely because she's known me the longest. I loved to see all the positive things my friends and family said about me.

  4. Hi Kimberly,

    I think we are similar in the aspects of being understanding and passionate about the subjects that we are highly interested in. I am different in the fact that I cannot be that honest with people because sometimes honesty can really hurt a person. I also would not change anything in my list because I believe that my list is fairly accurate and portrayed through the interviews that I conducted. It seems like the assignment went really well for you, and I am glad that you were able to see all the positive words that people have for you!
