Tuesday, March 24, 2020

19A – Idea Napkin No. 2

**3/19 With permission from the professor I have changed my opportunity belief/idea:
My new opportunity is that finding free/lifted parking is difficult.
The solution would be an app that users could update themselves to display places that you can park on a map and how expensive it would be to park there.

1. I'm a student at the University of Florida studying music. I am able to pick up and learn music and other things quickly. I think that I am able to adapt to situations well and I'm a very responsible person. I am striving to do well in school and eventually work in some part of the music industry, even though I'm not 100% sure exactly what I want to do yet. I think that my business would play a role in my life because I live in Gainesville and parking is very difficult here. I would probably use the app multiple times a week because I can never find a parking spot whenever I get home from work.

2. My business idea is an app that would focus on parking. Users would download the app and be able to see where there is parking available and how expensive it is. Users would pay a small one-time fee to purchase the app, and then they would save so much money on parking. They could also update it themselves for other users to see so that the app can have the most accurate information possible.

3. I am offering my service to pretty much anyone who has problems with finding inexpensive parking. I think that students, people who attend big sports games/concerts, and people who live in larger cities are some of the groups of people that would be able to benefit from using this app. People who would benefit from using my app are probably also trying to save money and not spend a lot on parking, and this is the main thing all of my customers would have in common.

4. My customers would pay money to use my service because they want to save money. With using the app, they will save far more money than they spent on purchasing the app. My app will also make it easier for them so they won't have to drive around for a long time just to find a parking spot that is expensive. My app will save customers time, stress, and money.

5. I think that what sets me apart from everyone else is my ability to learn quickly. I am able to pick up music, for example, way more quickly than some. I also always take responsibility for my words and actions, and am always honest with myself and others. I think that I am always striving for perfection, which is something not everyone else does.

I think that all of these elements do fit together. My customers have a need: they need to be able to park quickly and inexpensively. My solution is an app that can help them do exactly that. What all of my customers have in common is that they are trying to save money, which my app can do for them. I do believe that customers would buy my app because there is value in it for them because they have the needs listed above that my app can solve.

The main thing I did differently in this post is change my business idea. Other than that, however, I did not change the way I approached this assignment and I did it in a similar way to how I had done it before.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kimberly,

    I really like this concept because parking seems to be a huge struggle in college. Personally, I do not drive a car, but I see my friends struggling to find a parking spot. Having an application like this would make life a lot easier for everyone on campus. By allowing customers to filter the parking spots to fit their expense range and distance from location, this application will surely be popular.

    Great idea, and I cannot wait to see where this business idea takes you!
